Arla 100% Natural Milk Goodness

100% REAL Natural Milk Goodness

At Arla, we love milk. We love its nutrition. We love its natural taste. Our farmers know quality is everything and our standards are world-class. We want to deliver the tastiest, healthiest dairy milk possible and we aim to provide the whole family with natural goodness every day.

The cows that produce our milk are free-range. They have acres of Northern European lush green fields to call home where they can graze, play, and rest. We keep our cows pampered and loved because happy and healthy cows make the best milk!

Our Milk Goodness is made from 100% REAL natural fresh cow’s milk. It’s packed with calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Arla Milk Goodness comes in 5 different variants to accommodate different needs of the family. Enjoy a glass of milk whether its Full Cream, Low-fat, Skimmed, or flavored Chocolate or Strawberry. perfect for any time of the day!